Web Design & Development For Your Recruitment Agency

With AI Lead Generation

The recruiting field is highly competitive, with multiple agencies and in-house recruiters vying for the same candidates, making it challenging to stand out and secure top talent.

Additionally, you must constantly build new client relationships, understand job requirements, and find the best-skilled candidates for placement.

It’s no surprise that smart recruiters are now moving away from LinkedIn and creating their own digital presence to better market themselves and establish trust with both clients and candidates.

Want to know how? We have the solution.


Website Marketing 101

In the past, a business card and a handshake were enough to secure clients, but that’s no longer the case, is it? Here’s why having a dynamic, user-friendly website is crucial for your recruitment agency's growth and relevance.

Build Your Brand

Establish trust and credibility with a professional website that highlights your agency's specializations, success stories, and client testimonials. This helps build a strong brand for your recruiting business.

Improved Visibility

A website optimized for search engines can help your agency rank higher in local search results, increasing visibility and making it easier for potential clients and job seekers to find you.

Job Seeker Services

Provide extensive support to job seekers by offering a range of services, including interview preparation and skill enhancement programs, to attract top talent.

Provide Valuable Resources

Share helpful content, such as local market insights, workforce planning, legal compliance guides, job search tips etc, positioning your agency as a valuable resource for clients and job seekers.

AI Technology Plus

AI tools like automated job descriptions, resume parsers, and skill assessments are transforming the recruitment landscape. How familiar are you with these tools, and are you using them effectively in your recruitment strategy? We can help.

Lead Generation

AI chatbots and personalized email campaigns can significantly boost lead generation for recruiters. AI chatbots can engage with potential clients on your website, answering questions, and collecting their hiring needs through built-in forms.

Automated Resume Screening

AI-powered tools can quickly scan and analyze large volumes of resumes, identifying the most qualified candidates based on predefined criteria, saving recruiters valuable time and effort.

Predictive Analytics

Use AI to predict hiring trends and candidate availability, helping you to stay ahead of market demands and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Candidates Data Collection

AI-powered chatbots can interact with candidates 24/7 to collect essential information such as skills, experience, and availability, helping to automate the initial stages of recruitment process.

Our Core Competencies

Our unique blend of creativity, technical expertise, and client-focused approach ensures exceptional results every time.

Karan Jain

Web & Marketing Expert | Codekyt

As the founder of a web development and marketing firm, I've chosen to provide specialized website packages to HR and recruitment agencies because I recognize the critical role your agency play in shaping the workforce of the future.

The AI revolution is upon us, and it will undoubtedly transform the recruitment landscape. AI is not just creating new job positions; it is redefining existing ones. To navigate this transformation successfully, recruiters need to be equipped with the right tools and skills to match candidates with businesses more effectively and efficiently.

Our focus on this niche stems from a deep understanding of the urgent need for upskilling in the recruitment industry. By offering tailored website packages, we aim to empower HR and recruitment agencies with advanced, AI-integrated platforms so they can better support businesses with new talent.

Technical Expertise

We handle all the technical aspects of your website, including speed, security, caching, backups, chatbots, analytics, and SEO, so you can focus on what you do best: recruiting best-skilled candidates for your clients. We stay at the forefront of industry trends and use advanced web development techniques to build a high-performing website for your recruitment agency that loads in under 2 seconds.

Personalized Approach

We understand that every recruitment firm is unique, as are their business needs. Our approach to web design is highly personalized, starting with a thorough understanding of your brand, goals, and target audience. Whether you specialize in talent acquisition, executive hiring, contract-based recruitment, or virtual staffing, we design pages and write copy that highlight your specific skills and expertise.

Marketing Strategies

Beyond creating stunning websites, we offer comprehensive marketing strategies to drive traffic, engagement, and conversions. Our team develops customized marketing plans that integrate SEO, content marketing, social media, and PPC campaigns to boost your online visibility and reach. We also build customised marketing pages for better conversions.

Long-Term Tech Partnership

We aspire to be more than just a service provider; we aim to be your long-term tech partner. We offer continuous support, updates, and enhancements to ensure your site remains current and competitive. By building lasting relationships with our clients, we provide ongoing technical expertise and strategic advice to help them adapt to changing market demands and achieve sustained digital success.

Website Packages & Pricing

Choose from our website packages to find the right match for your business.



Upto 5 pages

Get Started

for solo recruiters

  • Domain + SSL
  • Shared Hosting
  • Google Analytics
  • SEO Optimised
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Scheduled Backups
  • Security Plugin
  • Training - 1 month
  • Maintenance - 1 month



Upto 10 Pages

Get Started

for small - mid size agencies

  • Everything in Starter, and
  • WP Engine Hosting
  • Caching and CDN
  • Job Manager Setup
  • Blog Setup
  • AI Chatbot Setup
  • Work Email Setup


Addon Services

  • logo-and-branding-iconLogo & Branding
  • website-care-plan-icon
Maintenance Care Plan
  • custom-job-portal-iconCustomised Job Portal

  • seo-content-marketing-iconSEO Content Marketing
  • paid-advertising-iconAd Campaigns Marketing
  • ai-technology-iconAI Lead Generation

Book Free Consultation

Take the first step on your digital journey to attract better clients and candidates for your recruitment business.

What Our Clients Say:

Edgar Banys | Omniprojects

Karan (Founder of Codekyt) is an amazing professional, who brings all of the skills and expertise in programming, systems security and architecture. Always exceeded our expectations while working on challenging tasks and at the very limited given time. I'm glad we had an opportunity to work together!

Rob Kay | Freedom Online Services

Karan's hands down the best all round developer I've ever encountered. He's got an instinct for the best solution to any problem that has never failed me yet! Thankyou and looking forward to more work in future!

Seema Sud | VersatileKids

It has been great experience working with Codekyt. Their team is very responsive and quick to make changes or fix bugs that pop up. We highly recommend their services to all of our customers and friends.


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